Box Assembly

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Is there a better term for this?
  • Computer assembly?
  • Computer manufacture?
Once we have Micro Architecture and Instruction Set Architecture, we can manufacture integrated circuits that do the work. At this point we start with a pile of chips, capacitors, coils, perhaps a hard drive, and other bits and bobs, and we end up with something we recognise as a computer that you can plug into the wall and install your software on, including the bits where you design your own motherboard. While most of us are happy to buy our computers off-the-shelf, Twitter, Google and Facebook design theirs in-house[->].

At a larger scale, there's the process where you start with a bunch of servers and cables and a big empty room and end up with a datacentre. There are apparently entire books worth of things[->] to be said about this.

Here's a reasonably complete description of assembling a PC[->]
On top of this we install things that let our programs run. It used to be an Operating System, but now we have another layer before that:

Lower level:
Root node:
Higher level:

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